Profession:- ARCHITECT

 An Architect is a person who plans, designs and oversees the construction of buildings. 

We have chosen this profession because we all live in houses and thus, we want to make them more featured and stylish. It is an appropriate career as per our desires.

Team members:- Bhawna Sharma, Jyoti Jha, Mohit, Anita, Omkar.

Day 2

(Bhawna, Jyoti , Anita, Omkar, Mohit)

      Day 3
Prospective employers:-

There are a variety of employment opportunities for architects in the different sectors. Some of the top sectors that require architects are mentioned below:
1.Corporate businesses
4.Consulting Firms
5.Engineering firms
6.Product Manufacturing
7.Building safety
8.Architectural Photography

Salary expected:-

One can expect a starting salary ranging from Rs. 4 Lac to Rs. 5 Lacs per annum. However, if one has a work experience of more than 5 years, then, the salary ranges between Rs. 8 Lac to Rs. 10 Lacs per annum. The salary is high in the private sector as compared to the government sector.

Skills set required:-

1.Thinking and reasoning skill are required.

2.Pay attention to detail .

3. Apply or implement  knowledge in the work.

4.More passionate about your work.

5. Love of learning.

6. Broad knowledge.

7. Negotiation skill.

8. Creative and innovative.

9. Artistic.

10. Hardworking.

Challenges with skill set of an architect :

Math and science skills

Design skills

Analytical and problem-solving skills

Team-building skills

Communication skills

Challenges like parental pressure and societal pressure:- 

Society  is full of interrupting people, but parents are some time not supportive but most of the time they are supportive.

Challenges regarding money and education:-

1. Finding new work and sustaining an income.

2.Arguing for good design over cheap construction.

3. Battling the stereotype.

4. Finding great materials to match great design.

5. Keeping up with the evolution of the softwares.

(Bhawna, Jyoti, Anita, Mohit , Omkar)

Day 4

1. In what ways do you see your pretend passion benefiting your community at large?

There are lots of way like when we are successful in our life we can provide job to others also we can help paying some money. ( Anita)

We can see our pretend passion in our hard work and confidence. Every pretend passion is required skills, knowledge, experience, etc because without hard work, knowledge or experience we can't do anything and we can't see benefit of the pretend passion. ( Omkar)

2. In 50 years, when you will look back upon your life, how would you like yourself to be remembered for your contributions to society, country and world?
I don't want to be remembered that much because people's opinion never matter to me and they will never be.I thoroughly believe that counting on people's opinions and thoughts is not a good idea and it still isn't gonna be in upcoming 50 years or ever. ( Mohit)

When I will look back after year I will see different change in time and my self also but I also remember my hard work and experience how can I get this position. (Jyoti)

When I will look back after 50 years upon my life, I would like to be remembered as a famous Architect, who build famous monuments, buildings, and many more like that. (Bhawna)


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